Smile confidently with the help of orthodontics

If you’re hoping to find a way to smile confidently and broadly, you may want to consider the health benefits of orthodontics in Colchester.

It’s a great way to ensure your teeth and gums are in the pink, with a straighter smile as an added bonus. Here at The Dental Studio, we offer a range of orthodontics in Colchester including Six Month Smiles, braces and Invisalign aligners. orthodontics-in-colchester

Orthodontics in Colchester can help to straighten crooked or misaligned teeth and can also help correct a variety of dental issues commonly experienced by patients. If you suffer from an overbite or underbite or even a gap in your smile, orthodontics may be the solution for you.

Enjoy a personalised treatment plan at The Dental Studio

We are passionate about offering our patients quality dental care here at our practice. Our dental team understands that each patient is unique, and their treatment plan should reflect that. As such we offer patients customised treatment plans aimed at meeting their smile goals and needs.

We offer traditional braces as a dental solution

If you are looking to find a way to straighten misaligned teeth, consider traditional metal braces. They are suitable to help correct crowding, an open bite or deep bite, teeth that protrude out and even those patients that experience problems with their ability to bite on their back teeth. They are an excellent solution to complex conditions of misalignment.

Braces offer an affordable dental solution to straightening crooked teeth and can be used on both adult patients and junior patients alike.

In some cases, patients can enjoy results in as little as 6 months of wear while others will need more comprehensive treatment in order to achieve optimal results following their treatment plan.

Consider Invisalign aligners as your teeth straightening treatment

One of the leading forms of orthodontics on the market today is Invisalign. These aligners are clear in appearance and offer patients a discreet way to straighten crooked or misaligned teeth. The aligner trays are personalised to fit comfortably into the patient’s mouth and are created after a mould is made of the patient’s teeth and gums. They are suitable for both adults and teenage patients.

In addition to a straighter smile, patients can look forward to enjoying a boost to their self-confidence levels thanks to the incredible results of Invisalign. For some patients, crooked teeth or a visible gap may result in a lowered sense of self-esteem, but thanks to Invisalign patients can feel empowered to smile broadly and freely once more.

Another advantage of choosing Invisalign as your treatment of choice is that the aligners can be removed periodically by the patient during wear. Traditional metal braces are fixed and cannot be removed for the duration of the treatment plan, but Invisalign aligner trays can be easily removed. This allows the patient to have the liberty to eat and drink without the aligner trays in place as well as have access to their natural teeth for daily brushing and flossing. We advise that patients should wear their aligners for a minimum of 20 hours a day in order to achieve optimal results.