Orthodontics in Colchester at The Dental Studio

Have you been worrying about the appearance of your smile? Have you got misaligned teeth that are causing issues with chewing and jaw pain? Do you have speech difficulties that are caused by your teeth not being in alignment, or do you find that it’s hard to clean your teeth properly? If you have felt plagued by one or more of these issues, then you need to know more about orthodontics in Colchester and the treatments that we have at The Dental Studio. One of the treatments that we offer is a discreet and effective way to address alignment issues such as crossbite, over and underbites, and gapped or crowded teeth. Invisalign is a popular treatment that patients have because it offers a discreet way of treating alignment issues, without other people realising. orthodontics-in-colchester

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is an aligner system that is used to discreetly correct alignment issues. The aligners are plastic and see-through, so only your teeth should be visible through them. The aligners are produced bespoke for you. We use iTero digital scanning technology to acquire the measurements of your mouth for your aligners to be made. Once you have them, you will have to switch them every couple of weeks and we will give you the right number for 6 weeks. After this, you will just be required to return to see us for a checkup and to receive the next aligners. As you wear them, the aligners push the teeth into the targeted position; this normally takes around 6 to 18 months on average.

Invisalign for the win

While we have lots of treatments for orthodontics in Colchester, Invisalign is convenient, because you can remove the aligners every day. You can take them out for meals and for cleaning your teeth. You have around 2 hours, so you can use the rest of the time to play sports or have a meeting without having your aligners in – whatever works for you! The convenience of Invisalign is a real strength of this treatment. You should also find that the comfort factor is a big plus, too. This is because the aligners are made bespoke and sit snugly on the gumline. From the scan we take to get the measurements of your mouth, we will also be able to show you a video of what your teeth will look like after your treatment has finished, before you’ve even started!

By getting your teeth aligned, you will not only improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile, but you will also make it easier to clean them and chew your food. You may also find it easier to speak and if you have experienced jaw pain, this could also be eliminated too.

Initial consultation with The Dental Studio

As an award-winning practice, we are confident in our provision and we love what we do! We can’t wait to meet you and to examine you during a consultation, in order to be able to discuss the treatment options. Once you have chosen what you would like to have done, then you will be able to start your treatment and get yourself an award-winning smile!