How orthodontics in Colchester can help with self-improvement

Orthodontics in Colchester is one of the many forms of treatment for getting a great smile that we offer here at The Dental Studio. Orthodontics is a specialist area of dentistry that involves the correction of the position of the teeth. It is a means of fixing teeth that are crooked, protruding or overcrowded.

Many people who choose orthodontics in Colchester decide to have their smile brought up to scratch using a unique system known as Invisalign. Here, we explain what Invisalign is and discuss how the treatment can be used as a springboard for self-improvement. orthodontics-in-colchester

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the brand name for clear or invisible braces. The braces are not like the ones usually thought of when considering orthodontics in Colchester. Instead of featuring wires across the front of the teeth that are held in place by brackets, these braces are more like a mouthguard or retainer in appearance. Trays known as aligners are worn over the teeth to help to move them into a newly straightened position.

An aid to oral hygiene

Wearing clear braces can help to improve the health of the teeth and gums both during and after treatment. Whilst the treatment is ongoing, the patient is required to remove the aligners for mealtimes. After each meal has been eaten, they are advised to brush the teeth thoroughly before replacing the braces.

The reason for brushing the teeth before putting the trays back in is for the removal of food debris that has accumulated. If this is not done, then bits of food are likely to get trapped between the teeth and the braces. This can cause bad breath and the deterioration of the teeth. Depending on the type of food that has been eaten, the braces can also become stained. This would result in them becoming visible on the teeth.

The patient who keeps their teeth clean and debris free whilst wearing invisible braces helps to protect their teeth and the braces. If they have previously been a bit lax with a brushing routine, then following this advice can help to transform dental hygiene and improve the health of the teeth and gums.

The patient who has spent several months maintaining a regular brushing routine and removing food from the teeth after meals is more likely to continue with this after the treatment has been completed. They have formed the habit and want to keep their brilliant new smile in tip top condition.

Helps to develop healthier eating habits

In order to get the straightest possible smile, clear aligners should be worn for around 22 hours per day. This means that the patient must be quite disciplined about keeping their meal and snack times to a limited window. Developing this habit over the period of treatment can help people to snack less and make more mindful food choices. In turn, this can improve a person’s general health and wellbeing.

Encourages water consumption

Water is the only beverage that is recommended while wearing invisible braces. If the patient wishes to consume other drinks such as juices, fizzy or alcoholic drinks, then they must remove the aligners. This can help to encourage a person to drink more water than before, boosting oral and whole body health.