How facial aesthetics in Colchester can improve quality of life

As a provider of a range of facial aesthetics in Colchester, we at The Dental Studio understand just how important it is for our patients to look their best. We appreciate that feeling good about their appearance is something that everyone deserves and tailor our treatment recommendations to suit the individual patient.

One popular option for facial aesthetics in Colchester is to have Botox injections. These can be used to benefit the patient in terms of their appearance, feeling more confident and even in terms of protecting their oral health. Here, we outline how Botox works and explain how these benefits can help to improve a person’s quality of life. facial-aesthetics-in-colchester

What is Botox?

Botox is a type of facial aesthetics in Colchester treatment. It is made up of a protein that is injected into the patient for a variety of purposes. When we administer Botox, it acts as a means of relaxing the muscles that are at the site of injection.

Botox for wrinkle reduction

Botox is most commonly used to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the face.  The areas that many patients have treated include around the eyes and mouth, as well as the forehead. These are the parts of the face that usually show signs of ageing first. When we inject these parts, the muscles relax, and the patient is left with a much smoother appearance.

Many people struggle with starting to look older and getting lines and wrinkles can diminish a person’s confidence. Getting these treated with Botox often means that the patient can get back their youthful vigour and feel more confident and attractive.

The new-found confidence that often results from the treatment can allow the patient to become more sociable, helping them to form new friendships and even gain in terms of career success. When a person feels good about how they look, it is often easier for them to meet a romantic partner too.

Botox for sweating

Botox is not just used for smoothing out the signs of ageing. It is also a very beneficial treatment for excessive sweating. Excessive sweating that soaks the clothes despite wearing deodorant often causes a lot of discomfort and embarrassment. Botox can resolve these issues to allow the patient the freedom of not having to worry about feeling self-conscious around others.

The solution can be injected directly into the armpits, where it will stop the sweating immediately. The effects usually last around four months, after which the patient should return to us for a top up treatment. Many patients find that this treatment gives them back their confidence and peace of mind.

Botox for teeth grinding

Teeth grinding is a relatively common issue, but it should not be ignored. It can cause damage to the teeth and headaches, as well as pain in the jaw and neck. One solution that we can provide is a mouthguard that is worn during sleep. However, if the patient is looking for a solution that is immediate, then Botox injections can be used. They should be topped up every few months to keep the grinding at bay.