Understanding your options with orthodontics in Colchester

What is meant by orthodontics in Colchester?

Overcrowded, or misaligned teeth are just a couple of the common dental problems that both children and adults face as their adult teeth develop.These can not only potentially cause issues with discomfort and the natural bite, but can also leave the individual feeling self- conscious and embarrassed. In the past orthodontic treatment has leaned towards realigning teeth belonging to those of a younger age, however advancements within dentistry have now put a focus on realigning teeth for adults. Whilst in the past, metal, head cage type braces were used, modern dentistry has developed both metal braces and clear aligners which enable the patient to realign their teeth in an inconspicuous manner that will not affect their daily lives. Naturally these have therefore become more popular treatments concerning orthodontics in Colchester in recent years. orthodontics-in-colchester

Fixed braces.

Metal fixed braces, sometimes known as train tracks, are still to this day an excellent way to realign moderate to severe misalignment problems. The fixed braces gradually manipulate and pull the teeth into the desired position. Whilst still a leading realignment method, a lot of patients shy away from this style of treatment particularly in later adulthood, as the metal braces are considered to be too noticeable, causing embarrassment. In order to encourage adults to wear fixed braces they have been developed further and therefore clear, wired braces are now available. Six Month Smiles is a fixed brace method which uses the basis of the traditional metal brace process, but uses natural tooth coloured brackets and wires enabling the treatment to remain inconspicuous but effective.

Clear aligners.

Invisalign and Inman aligners are other methods of tooth realignment.

Invisalign are clear, removable braces which are mostly effective on mild to moderate cases of misalignment or overcrowding. This particular method uses a series of clear aligners which gradually push the teeth into the desired position.  A series of aligners are given to the patient which are to be worn for approximately 22 hours a day and are to be removed during eating and teeth cleaning. This particular method relies mostly on the patient, as it is down to them to ensure that they follow the instructions given to them by their dental team. In most cases, when the treatment plan has been followed efficiently, the length of treatment time is approximately 6 to 9 months, however this may vary. Due to the inconspicuous, almost invisible appearance of Invisalign, this particular method of realignment has become an increasingly popular method of orthodontics in Colchester.

Inman aligners are also a type of clear removable brace, but they focus predominantly on the front teeth. This particular treatment takes approximately 12 to 16 weeks, making it popular as a ‘quick fix’ method. However, due to the length of time this method is less accurate than other aligner methods.

The treatments and procedures mentioned above are only a few of the orthodontic treatments available at our dental practice. For more information on the options available please contact our practice and book a consultation.

Please note, as with all dental treatments and procedures you need to be fully informed to make a decision. Therefore we encourage all our patients to seek further information and advice from our dental practice.