Could orthodontics In Colchester get your smile back on the right track?

Pulling things together

Here at The Dental Studio, we’ve always committed ourselves to making sure every patient gets the best possible dental and orthodontic care possible. orthodontics-in-colchester

The implications of last year’s lockdown and pandemic measures have been difficult for many of us, and a lot of people’s oral health has taken the brunt of things – as getting regular treatment such as orthodontics in Colchester proved more difficult than ever before.

Now, thankfully, as the light at the end of the tunnel steadily brightens, we’re back to doing what we do best and our patients are reaping the rewards through brighter, healthier, and straighter smiles.

If you feel that your teeth have become more crooked or uneven over the last year do not worry and don’t hide away. By simply speaking with one of our expert orthodontists we can create a customised and tailored treatment plan that will let you get your teeth and oral health straightened out – your own way.

What do orthodontics in Colchester involve?

Many people out there still consider orthodontics in Colchester to purely mean traditional, metal, fixed braces.

While we do regularly provide conventional braces to our patients here at

The Dental Studio, they are by no means the only form of orthodontics we offer.

Prior to the pandemic – and since reopening our service – one of the most widely requested types of orthodontic treatment we have been asked for are cosmetic, discreet braces. These come in various forms, but all aim to achieve the same ultimate goal – aligning a patient’s smile, without affecting how they look during the process.

As all smiles are different, we always advise that anybody who is interested in assessing their eligibility for discreet orthodontics starts things off with a simple chat and preliminary examination.

This way our expert orthodontists get a chance to explain the outline of each treatment type we offer and get a glimpse of each patient’s current oral health – to determine both what treatments they are eligible for and whether or not any treatment is needed before the orthodontics can be used effectively.

What sort of discreet orthodontics are available?

At The Dental Studio, we are proud to offer our patients three separate forms of cosmetic orthodontics – each of which lets patients realign their smiles in a minimally invasive, discreet fashion. These methods include:

  • Six-Month Smiles
  • Invisalign
  • C-Fast Cosmetic Braces

As mentioned, each of these methods uses a different approach to the same problem, with some requiring discreet braces to be fixed inside a patient’s mouth, and others – such as Invisalign – are entirely removable.

What links each of these forms of treatment however is that they are all customised and moulded to the specifics of the patient receiving them. We understand that each smile is as unique as the patient who displays it and that therefore it’s our duty as a reputable and trusted orthodontist to adapt the treatments we provide according to each patient’s needs.

If you’re interested in seeing whether or not discreet orthodontics could help get your smile back on track, then it all starts with a simple, friendly phone call.

By having a consultation with our expert orthodontists you can effectively start yourself off on your own personalised journey towards a healthier dental future.