What you should know about facial aesthetics in Colchester

Facial aesthetics in Colchester are cosmetic procedures which negate the need for surgery; they have become increasingly popular in recent years as they target fine lines and wrinkles by eliminating them and restoring volume in your face thus bringing back your youthful glow. If you are looking for a credible practice to go to for facial aesthetics in Colchester, then look no further as we offer a range of cosmetic treatments at The Dental Studio.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are one of the most popular treatments when it comes to facial aesthetics in Colchester. Your body produces a natural substance called collagen; collagen is responsible for keeping your skin tight and plump, however as you age your body begins to lose the collagen causing it to become loose. Fine lines and thinness is a natural part of the ageing process and are caused by a loss of subcutaneous fat and stretching of the skin; however you may find them unsightly and want a temporary solution. The main purpose of dermal fillers is to reduce fine lines and restore volume in your face, making you appear more youthful.

What can dermal fillers help to achieve?

Dermal fillers are becoming increasingly popular, and this comes as no surprise considering it targets a number of cosmetic issues. Dermal filler may be a suitable option for you if you are searching for a solution to the following issues: to make your lips appear plumper, to make certain features on your face such as your nose and chin more symmetrical, to enhance contours of your face that have become hollow, to soften wrinkles and fine lines , and to reduce the signs of shadowing under your eyes.

What is the procedure for getting dermal filler?

Before going through with any cosmetic procedure, you will need to have a consultation with our dentist to discuss your medical history, allergies and what the procedure and its results entail. It is important to notify your dentist of any medications you take and if you are pregnant as this information is crucial in determining whether or not dermal fillers are suitable for you at this present time.

The procedure is fairly simple, painless and lasts no longer than a few minutes, which is why it is a much preferred treatment to surgical procedures which require lengthy hospital stays. Once you and your dentist have come to an agreement of how much filler you would like, your dentist will numb the treatment area using a local anaesthetic in the form of a numbing cream. The anaesthetic can take a few minutes to work properly, but your dentist will ensure you cannot feel anything before proceeding with the dermal filler insertion. Once your treatment area feels numb, the dentist will begin to inject the hyaluronic acid into the treatment area and gently massage it to ensure the dermal filler is distributed evenly and prevent any bumpiness. The number of shots you require is entirely dependent on the size of your treatment area. Once this is complete, your dentist will wipe away any signs of bleeding.


Once your procedure is complete, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions your dentist gives you; fortunately there is not a lot to look out for and the aftercare is fairly simple. It is normal to experience some pain and bruising after the procedure however this disappears within twenty-four hours and can be managed with some over-the-counter painkillers. Additionally, it is essential that you do not lie on your face in case the dermal filler migrates to an undesired area.