Thinking about braces and worried about the price? Our orthodontic options

As orthodontics in Colchester is a big part of our local dental clinic, we understand the concerns that come with the decision to get braces. It’s a significant commitment, both in terms of time and finances. But, the journey to a perfect smile doesn’t have to be daunting or overly expensive. There are numerous options available, and we’re here to guide you through them. orthodontics-in-colchester

The charm of traditional braces

When you think about braces, the first image that probably comes to mind is the traditional metal braces. These have been around for hundreds of years and continue to be a reliable choice for many. Despite the advent of modern systems like 6-Month-Smiles or Invisalign, traditional metal braces still hold their ground. They’re versatile, effective, and can sometimes offer more comprehensive treatment than their modern counterparts.

Traditional metal braces can correct a variety of dental issues, including crooked or crowded teeth, spaced teeth, open bites, deep bites, overbites, and problems with the bite on the back teeth. They’re a tried and tested solution, and their results speak for themselves.

Embracing the metal

Metal braces might not be everyone’s first choice due to their visibility, but they’re gaining acceptance among adults and teenagers alike. In fact, among teenagers, they’re almost the norm. The affordability and reliability of metal braces make them an attractive option. They’re suitable for both adults and children, and can be used for cosmetic straightening in as little as six months, or for more comprehensive treatment.

Bypassing the wait

One of the advantages of opting for private orthodontic treatment is the ability to bypass NHS waiting lists. We understand the importance of your time, and we ensure that appointments can be scheduled outside of school hours. This means no more missed lessons and angry teachers for our younger patients.

We believe in treating everyone as an individual. If you feel you need treatment, we’re here to listen and guide you, not dictate your needs. And the best part? orthodontics in Colchester may not be as expensive as you think.

The first step towards your new smile

Before starting any orthodontic treatment, we conduct a new patient assessment. This helps us understand your dental health and needs better, and allows us to find the most suitable treatment plan for you. This appointment includes a full dental examination, orthodontic assessment, moulds, photographs, and x-rays.

If you decide that metal braces are the right option for you, the treatment can cost less than you think. We believe in making orthodontic treatment accessible and affordable, because everyone deserves the chance to smile with confidence.

Let’s start your journey

If you’re considering orthodontics in Colchester but are worried about the price, we invite you to contact us for a free consultation. Let’s explore your options together and find the right treatment for you. Remember, the journey to a perfect smile begins with a single step. Let us be your trusted partner in this journey. We’re here to ensure that your path to a brighter, more confident smile is as smooth and affordable as possible.