I’m dreaming of a White Christmas!
Everyone wants to look nice in time for Christmas so why not treat yourself to a brighter smile. Many people are unhappy with the discolouration of their teeth, which is why at The Dental Studio we are finding that tooth whitening is increasingly popular. We use the home whitening method to whiten teeth and following your initial examination, the dentist will establish if the whitening is suitable for you.
All methods start with impressions of your teeth being taken to enable the construction of your individual trays (this takes 1-2 weeks).The home method involves you carrying out the bleaching yourself by placing the gel in your trays and wearing them overnight for a course of two weeks. We then offer you a whitening review to see how many shades you have glistened up the scale.
The December deal is only £100 so why not book yourself an appointment or purchase a gift voucher for a special someone.
To book your appointment or for more information please call
01206 845891 or 01206 579393.
Subject to availability, we would advise to book in quick to avoid disappointment.