Botox- My first love in practice.

image_3Dr Stephen Pitt – Principal Dentist

I first discovered the powers of Botox around 14 years ago on a course I attended in Harley Street. Botox is its nick name, its real name is Botulinum toxin A and its powers have helped me smooth hundreds of patients lines over the years.

I used to use it more on women than men, but now the ratio is equal. Its potential uses tend to expand each year.


Its magic can smooth many lines on the face and neck. These include frown lines, lines around the eyes and smooth the neck to help give a more youthful appearance. We can ever use it to enhance features for instance to thin the face, to cause the lip to drop slightly to cover gummy smiles and to give a softer nose tip profile. Then you can use it to change your eye brow shape from raising them, to dropping them to also giving you a more curved brow.

Then we can use it to help stop migraines and help prevent you from grinding your teeth. Why not book in for a consultation and fall in love with Botox and stop wasting money on anti-wrinkle creams that don’t really work.

A recognised BDA (British Dental Association) member, Dr Pitt has been providing general and cosmetic dentistry in Colchester since 2000..
Dr Pitt is also qualified and experienced in alternative treatments including dental acupuncture and B’tox (to remove facial lines and prevent excess sweating).
He is also a member of The Association For Facial Aesthetics.