A happy and confident smile

A good and effective daily oral hygiene routine and regular visits to your dentist are important in maintaining healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. Good oral health is paramount for overall well-being and being happy with your smile at the same time helps boost your self-confidence and will encourage you to smile more! There are many factors which may affect the aesthetics of your mouth. Speak to us at The Dental Studio today to find out how orthodontics in Colchester can help you with issues such as crooked or misaligned teeth; protruding teeth; gaps in your teeth; and overcrowding and bite issues, such as overbite, underbite and crossbite. orthodontics-in-colchester

What are orthodontics?

Orthodontics in Colchester is an ever evolving field of dentistry which involves aligning and straightening of your teeth using different methods which apply gentle force to your teeth to help move them to a better or preferred position. The main aim of orthodontics is to provide you with healthier and straighter teeth. Not only is orthodontics carried out for cosmetic purposes, such as straightening, but it can help with your overall oral health too by the correction of problems such as overcrowding, and bite issues. Orthodontics can help prevent more likely damage in the future. Speak to us at The Dental Studio to find out more about how orthodontics in Colchester can help you with your unique requirements.

What is Invisalign and what are its advantages?

Conventional braces consist of metals and wires, and although this is a very effective form of orthodontics widely used in dentistry, we at The Dental Studio understand that as an adult they can be embarrassing and affect your self-confidence. To tackle this issue, dentists have developed Invisalign, a method which has been used since 1997 and is increasingly popular amongst adults suffering with aesthetic issues with their otherwise healthy teeth.

Invisalign is a form of orthodontics in Colchester which uses transparent aligners which are individually tailored, made of plastic and metal free. A thorough examination of your teeth will be needed to make sure that you have good oral health and a 3-dimensional scan of your mouth helps you and the dentist find out how Invisalign could help you with your individual issues. Aligners are designed according to the impression of your teeth and tailor made according to the scan. The treatment involves using a series of aligners for 2 weeks each, for approximately 22 hours a day, each one designed to move your teeth up to 0.25 mm. You then move on to the next aligner and work your way through the series until your teeth have moved into the correct or desired position.

This is a gradual process allowing you to transform your smile comfortably and discreetly, as the aligners are transparent and removable, they are convenient and no one will have to know what you are doing until you achieve your final result. The gradual movement of your teeth also ensures longevity of the treatment itself and prevents harm or damage to your otherwise healthy dentition. Speak to us at The Dental Studio today to find out how Invisalign may be the choice of treatment for you.